Export Import November 2011, Transportation December 2011, and Tourism December 2011 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import November 2011, Transportation December 2011, and Tourism December 2011

Export Import November 2011, Transportation December 2011, and Tourism December 2011Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2012
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Oil commodity exports in November 2011 decreased by 17.63 percent, from $ 125,261,707 $ 152,064,074 into. Exports of oil and gas in the form of Liquid Natural Gas and Condensate respectively by $ 98,486,375 and $ 26,775,332. While the non-oil commodity exports increased significantly up to 201.14 percent, from $ 5,020,930 in October 2011 to $ 15,119,926 in the month of November 2011.
Imports of Aceh province in November 2011 was only made up of non-oil. Non-oil commodity imports reached $ 1,989,360 or have a contribution of 97.36 percent. When viewed during the period January-November 2011 imports of non-oil commodities have reached $ 49,723,894. This value increased significantly over the same period the previous year, amounting to 72.51 percent.
During the period January to December 2011 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport has reached 660 952 people. Furthermore, at the airport Cut Nyak Dien-Nagan Raya number of passengers reached 36 034 people, airports Lasikin-Sinabang passengers totaled 22,370 people, while at the other airport passenger numbers are still relatively small.
Highest number of sea transport passengers in November 2011 there were in the port of Ulee Lheue, ie there were 40 125 people, an increase of 30.88 percent against October 2011. The cumulative (January-November 2011) the number of passengers who came and left through the port reached 429 810 people.
Stevedoring activities in the largest country located in the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga. The loading and unloading of goods in each country reached 66 270 tonnes and 113 047 tonnes, an increase compared to the previous month. While the loading of goods abroad or the biggest export harbor contained in Krueng Geukuh which reached 283 655 tonnes.
The number of foreign tourists (tourists) who visited the province of Aceh in December 2011 as many as 1,734 people, or an increase of 20.25 percent compared to November 2011. The cumulative (January-December 2011), the number of foreign tourists visiting the province of Aceh has reached 13 448 man, this value increased by 30.98 percent compared to January-December, 2010.
Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in the province of Aceh in December 2011 reached 45.28 percent or an increase of 0.99 points compared to November 2011, in the amount of 44.29 percent. Meanwhile TPK other accommodation during the month of December 2011 decreased compared to the month of November 2011, from 31.34 percent to 30.50 percent.
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