Export Import November 2012, Transportation December 2012, and Tourism December 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import November 2012, Transportation December 2012, and Tourism December 2012

Export Import November 2012, Transportation December 2012, and Tourism December 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : February 1, 2013
File Size : 0.37 MB


The export value of the province of Aceh in November 2012 decreased when compared to October 2012. In November 2012, the export value amounted to $ 51,586,596 Aceh province, this number decreased by 39.69 percent compared to October 2012 amounted to 85,542,522 USD. When compared with the value of exports in the month of November 2011 had shown a decline of 63.25 per cent, where the value of exports amounted to $ 140,381,633.
The value of imports of Aceh province in November 2012 amounted to $ 11,252,747, this value decreased by 60.23 percent compared to October 2012 amounted to $ 28,297,806.
In December 2012 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport reached 64 808 people, or an increase of 15.78 percent compared to December 2011, but decreased by 3.64 percent compared to November 2012.
International passengers departing from the province of Aceh through airports Sultan Iskandar Muda in December 2012 as many as 3,727 people, an increase of 2.73 percent compared to November 2012. International passengers who came in December 2012 as many as 3,445 people, has decreased by 54, 16 percent when compared to November 2012, this is due in November there is the arrival of pilgrims.
Highest number of sea transport passengers in December 2012 contained in Ulee Lheue port, which is recorded as many as 44 067 passengers, an increase of 10.04 percent for the month November 2012 and also increased to December 2011 was 32.02 percent.
The loading and unloading of goods in the country in the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga respectively reached 84 877 tonnes and 65 938 tonnes. For overseas shipping, in the port of Ulee Lheue, Lhoknga Malahayati and unloading activities only 17,200 tons.
The number of foreign tourists (tourists) who visited the province of Aceh in December 2012 as many as 1,401 people, or an increase of 4.79 percent compared with November 2012. The cumulative achievement -Desember January 2012 the number of tourists declined 2.60 percent against the same period In 2011.
Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in the province of Aceh in December 2012 reached 46.81 percent or decreased by 3.42 point compared to November 2012. TPK Accommodation in December 2012 of 31.42 percent and an increase of 1.01 points to the month of November 2012.
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