Export Import May 2012, Transportation June 2012, and Tourism June 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import May 2012, Transportation June 2012, and Tourism June 2012

Export Import May 2012, Transportation June 2012, and Tourism June 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : August 1, 2012
File Size : 0.33 MB


The export value of the province of Aceh in May of 2012 increased compared with April 2012. In May 2012, the export value amounted to $ 145,752,389 Aceh province, this number increased by 17.90 percent compared to April 2012 amounted to 123 621 315 USD. However, when compared with the value of exports in May 2011 had shown a decline of 2.22, where the value of exports amounted to $ 149,063,516
In May 2012 there was no commodities imported into the province of Aceh
In June 2012 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport reached 63 244 people, or an increase of 10.42 percent compared to June 2011, also increased 10.48 percent compared to May 2012. The total cost for June 2012 reached 514 flights. International passengers departing from the province of Aceh through airports Sultan Iskandar Muda in June 2012 as many as 3,961 people, decreased by 3.74 percent compared to June 2011. International passengers who came in June 2012 as many as 3,481 people, decreased by 3, 04 percent when compared to June 2011.
The number of sea transport passengers most in June 2012 contained in Ulee Lheue port, which is recorded as many as 39 004 passengers, an increase of 6.62 percent for the month of May 2012, but declined to June 2011 was 13.72 percent. In total from January to June 2012, the number of passengers at the port reached 211 007 passengers.
For the loading and unloading of goods in the country in the port of Ulee Lheue, Malahayati and Lhoknga respectively reached 48 348 tonnes and 90 710 tonnes. While the loading of goods in the country in the port reached 51 950 tonnes Geukuh Krueng and unloading of goods amounted to 17 206 tonnes.
The number of foreign tourists (tourists) who visited Aceh Province in June 2012 as many as 876 people or decreased 12.92 percent compared to May 2012. The cumulative achievement of the number of tourists from January to June 2012 increased by 5.78 percent against the same period in 2011.
Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in Aceh Province in June 2012 reached 51.72 percent or an increase of 10.79 points compared to May 2012. Compared to June 2011, also an increase of 6.08 points. While TPK Accommodation in June 2012 was 31.69 per cent and an increase of 4.28 points for the month of May 2012
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