Statistics of Paddy Plantation of Aceh Province 2014 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Statistics of Paddy Plantation of Aceh Province 2014

Catalog Number : 5203005.11
Publication Number : 115311501
Release Date : August 31, 2015
File Size : 3.28 MB


The Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) in cooperation with the Directorate General of Food and Horticultural Crops, the Ministry of Agriculture to carry out the collection of datatentang the harvested area and the production of Rice Crops periodically.Data in this publication is the result of data collection that has become Fixed Score (ATAP) in 2014 and is a publication Continued Rice Plant Statistics the previous year. The data were obtained from the activities of the Agricultural Survey (SP) and the Ubunted Survey activities conducted jointly by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) of Aceh Province and the Office of Food Crops of the Aceh Province.
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