Human Development Index of Aceh Province 2014-2015 New Methodology - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Human Development Index of Aceh Province 2014-2015 New Methodology

Catalog Number : 4102002.11
Publication Number : 115531607
ISSN/ISBN : 2477-4650
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : July 15, 2016
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.36 MB


The Human Development Index is one of the overall performance benchmarks of performance. This index is built on a basic three-dimensional approach, namely longevity and health, knowledge, and decent livelihoods. Indicators that represent these three dimensions are summarized in a single value, the Human Development Index (HDI). And districts / municipalities know the development of human beings in terms of achievement, position, and disparity of the regions. Therefore, it is expected that each region can be encouraged to improve the performance of development through the improvement of basic capacity of the population and human development. The present publication of PPM presents a discussion of the change in methodology of calculation of IPM and its impact on the rank and status of HDI, ranging from levelprovinsi to kabupaten / kota. In addition, a discussion of the differences between regions / disparities in each component of the HDI is also presented in this publication.Publication of Aceh Province in 2014-2015 contains the condition of Aceh's HDI achievement from2010 until 2015. The presentation of data and analysis included in it aims to give Description of Aceh's human development conditions to the scope of the district / city. This publication may be useful to all interested parties, including the user community as reference material. Acknowledgments are conveyed to those who have provided suggestions and suggestions for improvements to this publication.
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