Farmer Exchange Rate of Livestock Subsector in Aceh Province 2022 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Farmer Exchange Rate of Livestock Subsector in Aceh Province 2022

Catalog Number : 7102033.11
Publication Number : 11000.2348
Release Date : October 31, 2023
File Size : 8.59 MB


The average Farmer Exchange Rate for the Livestock Subsector (NTPt) in Aceh Province in 2022 was 95.34. Aceh's NTPt below 100 indicates that the average NTPt in 2022 is no better than in 2018 as the base year of calculation. Compared to all provinces in Sumatra, Aceh's NTPt is at the bottom. Bangka Belitung Province's NTPt is the highest with 110.74.The resulting NTPt figure is a comparison between the Index Received (It) of Livestock Subsector Farmers and the Index Paid (Ib) of Livestock Subsector Farmers. The average It during 2022 was recorded at 105.05 while the average Ib was 110.19. The figure above 100 shows that since 2018 there has been an increase in prices every year. The increase in prices paid by Livestock Subsector farmers is higher than the increase in selling prices received by farmers.
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