BPS Aceh Gives DJPB Aceh Appreciation on Commemoration of Treasury Service Day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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BPS Aceh Gives DJPB Aceh Appreciation on Commemoration of Treasury Service Day

BPS Aceh Gives DJPB Aceh Appreciation on Commemoration of Treasury Service Day

February 14, 2024 | Other Activities

In celebration of Service Day for the Directorate General of Treasury (DJPB), the Aceh Central Statistics Agency (BPS) provides full support to the Kanwil DJPB Aceh. The two decades commemoration of Treasury Service Day which falls on January 14 2024 aims to appreciate the dedication and contribution of Kanwil Aceh DJPB in serving the community and advancing the country's financial sector.

The Head of Aceh Statistician , Ahmadriswan Nasution, expressed his congratulations to all levels of the Kanwil DJPB Aceh on the commemoration of this Day of Service. He emphasized BPS Aceh's commitment to continue working together with the Kanwil DJPB Aceh Office to realize professional, transparent and accountable state financial management.

We hope that the Directorate General of Treasury can continue to provide the best performance and service for all stakeholders. "Two Decades of Indonesia Treasury, Continuous Transformation in Serving the Country" Collaboration between BPS Aceh and Kanwil Aceh DJPB will continue to strengthen synergy between agencies in realizing better and more efficient public services.

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