HAkA Hearing to BPS Aceh: Transmission of Messages on Balance of Forest Utilization and Conservation - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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HAkA Hearing to BPS Aceh: Transmission of Messages on Balance of Forest Utilization and Conservation

HAkA Hearing to BPS Aceh: Transmission of Messages on Balance of Forest Utilization and Conservation

December 3, 2024 | Other Activities

Tuesday, December 3 2024, Head of BPS Aceh Province, Ahmadriswan Nasution, received an audience from the Aceh Natural Forest and Environment Foundation (HAkA) in the 1st Floor Consultation Room. This audience discussed the progress of preparing a book with the theme "Deforestation, Disasters and the Economy in Aceh" as an action continued from Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Book Review.

The HAkA team led by Agung Dwinurcahya, GIS HAkA Coordinator, explained the progress of preparing the book which had gone through the stages of literature study, field supervision, and FGD sessions involving various related agencies. In this hearing, HAkA asked for input and direction to improve the book so that it can provide comprehensive insight to policy makers regarding the condition of deforestation, disaster risks and the impact on community welfare over the last two decades.

Ahmadriswan Nasution expressed his appreciation for the progress of the book. He also emphasized the importance of designing campaign strategies for effective message transmission to reach more policy makers. This book is a medium for conveying the message of balance between forest use and conservation. "This message needs to be transmitted in various versions, such as policy briefs or scientific articles in international journals," he suggested.

The preparation of this book confirms the joint commitment between BPS Aceh Province and HAkA to produce collaborative outputs that support data-based policies and sustainable development. It is hoped that this book will be able to encourage wise management of Aceh's enormous potential, without sacrificing environmental sustainability. Aceh is not too late to act.
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