TPID High Level Meeting with Pj. Governor Bustami Hamzah - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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TPID High Level Meeting with Pj. Governor Bustami Hamzah

TPID High Level Meeting with Pj. Governor Bustami Hamzah

March 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, March 18, 2024, the Aceh Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) held a High Level Meeting (HLM) at Teuku Umar Hall, Bank Indonesia Representative of Aceh. The event was attended by Pj. Governor of Aceh, Bustami Hamzah, along with leaders of government institutions in Aceh Province. "I hope our collaboration will provide solutions to control volatile food prices so as not to make it difficult for people in Ramadan and ahead of Eid al-Fitr," Bustami said.

The Head of Bank Indonesia Representative of Aceh, Rony Widijarto, explained the condition and potential of Aceh's inflation so far. Inflation response activities carried out by district / city governments together with various parties are considered capable of controlling inflation in Aceh to remain in the range of 1.5 - 3.5 percent. Market operations and various volatile food price control policies were able to mitigate the potential inflation due to El Niño and the increasing demand for food on State Religious Holidays (HBKN).

Regional Head of Perum Bulog Aceh, Saldi Aldryn, added that Bulog is ready to secure local rice stocks for up to 2 months after Eid. Currently, Bulog Aceh is able to control the average price of rice to remain in the range of 13 thousand although in some nearby provinces the price of rice has reached 15 thousand. He admitted that this price security strategy was carried out by Bulog through securing rice stocks by importing 32,666 tons of rice from Thailand and Vietnam. Not only that, Bulog is also working with distributors and retailers to control prices. 

Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, cautioned local governments to be careful in using data for policy making. He encouraged the use of inflation data produced by BPS. In this regard, BPS Aceh is committed to working with Bank Indonesia Representative of Aceh to share inflation data through the provision of an up-to-date price data platform. This platform can be utilized by regional heads.

On this occasion, BPS Aceh also expressed readiness to provide statistical guidance to the Aceh Industry and Trade Office (Disperindag) to maintain the quality of Price Development Index (IPH) data.

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