High school level essay writing competition to enliven HSN 2024 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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High school level essay writing competition to enliven HSN 2024

High school level essay writing competition to enliven HSN 2024

September 26, 2024 | Other Activities

In commemoration of National Statistics Day which falls on September 26 2024, BPS Aceh Province is holding an Essay Writing Competition at the High School and equivalent level with the theme "Increasing the Role of BPS in Supporting Aceh's Development". This competition activity was held from 11 to 21 September 2024, attended by 181 students from 90 public and private schools in 21 districts/cities throughout Aceh Province.
After going through a strict judging process, on September 26 2024 the top 3 winners were announced, namely:
1. First place was won by Putri Rajuna from SMAN 1 Tanah Jambo Aye (North Aceh Regency), Title: "Strengthening the Role of Statistical Data for Sustainable Development of Aceh".
2. Second place was won by Zata Zamharira from SMAN 1 Bireuen, Bireuen Regency, Title: "Statistics Corner as a Solution to Increase Literacy in Building a Sustainable Aceh".
3. Third place was won by Gustiara Yani, SMAN 1 Ketambe, Southeast Aceh Regency, Title: "Increasing the Role of BPS in Supporting Aceh Development".
The Head of BPS Aceh Province expressed his appreciation for the extraordinary participation of the students. "This competition not only aims to increase awareness of the important role of BPS in development, but also becomes an opportunity to encourage the creativity and writing skills of Aceh's young generation," he said.
Through this activity, it is hoped that the younger generation's understanding of the role of statistics in development will increase, as well as create broader support for development programs in Aceh. BPS is also committed to continuing to encourage community participation, especially the younger generation, in developing accurate and relevant statistical data.
This essay writing competition is one of a series of important activities in commemoration of National Statistics Day in Aceh, which is expected to continue in the years to come.
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