TPID High Level meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

TPID High Level meeting

TPID High Level meeting

April 29, 2024 | Other Activities

Have you noticed that prices have gone up? The prices of onions, rice, gold, and more have been on the rise lately! This general trend of rising prices for a group of goods and services is referred to as inflation.

Monday, April 29, 2024, the Aceh Representative Office of Bank Indonesia held a High Level Meeting of the Regional Inflation Control Team (TPID) in Takengon, Central Aceh District. The event was attended by Pj. Governor of Aceh and his staff, Chairman of DPRA, Pj. Regent/Mayor from each inflation city, and many other stakeholders.

In this meeting, many strategies were presented to control inflation and mitigate the impact of inflation on society. Collaboration between stakeholders is key to support inflation control that has a conducive impact on Aceh's economy.

Do you want to participate? Let's start by increasing our statistical data literacy. Find out more about inflation. 

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