BSI Aceh CEO Visit to BPS Aceh - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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BSI Aceh CEO Visit to BPS Aceh

BSI Aceh CEO Visit to BPS Aceh

April 19, 2024 | Other Activities

Friday, April 19, 2024 - CEO of BSI Aceh, Wisnu Sunandar, and his staff visited BPS Aceh. Still in the atmosphere of Eid al-Fitr 1445 Hijri, the visit was intended to strengthen the relationship as well as discuss the continuation of cooperation between BPS Aceh and BSI.

On this occasion, the Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, and his staff received the visit of BSI Aceh in the Sharing Room, 1st floor of BPS Aceh. The room, which was previously used for data entry and processing, now functions as a public service room. “Later we will focus the first floor of BPS Aceh office for public services,” explained Ahmadriswan Nasution.

This is BPS Aceh's effort to maintain its commitment in contributing solutions for a prosperous Aceh and an advanced Indonesia through excellent public services.
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