Collaboration between BPS Aceh and HAkA for Environmental Sustainability - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Collaboration between BPS Aceh and HAkA for Environmental Sustainability

Collaboration between BPS Aceh and HAkA for Environmental Sustainability

July 15, 2024 | Other Activities

Monday, July 15, 2024, BPS Aceh received an audience from the Aceh Forest, Nature and Environment Foundation (HAkA) at the Sharing Room on the 1st Floor of BPS Aceh. Agung Dwinurcahya, HAkA's GIS Manager, together with his team, discussed the implementation of cooperation related to spatial data and statistical information.

The purpose of this audience was to update land cover and deforestation data at the regency/municipality level in Aceh by 2023 and to plan for the exchange and utilization of spatial and statistical data. Agung explained that HAkA, which focuses on the environment and forestry in Aceh, operates with three pillars, namely advocacy, monitoring, and empowerment.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, appreciated HAkA's proactive steps in updating the data. The 2023 land cover data can now be accessed on the website. He is also proud of HAkA's vision that has a positive impact on Aceh's long-term social, financial and environmental health.

Ahmadriswan emphasized that development requires collaboration with various parties. In the future, BPS Aceh will present a track record of development in Aceh through the book “Kebangkitan Aceh dalam Angka & Cerita” and the book “Aceh Membangun Data”. He hopes that HAkA can be involved in the production of the two books, with data from HAkA will also be included in it.
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