Collaboration between BPS Aceh and Bank Aceh Syariah for Business and Banking Data - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Collaboration between BPS Aceh and Bank Aceh Syariah for Business and Banking Data

Collaboration between BPS Aceh and Bank Aceh Syariah for Business and Banking Data

July 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, July 18, 2024 - The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, and his staff paid a friendly visit to the Head Office of Bank Aceh Syariah (BAS) on Jl. Mr. Mohd. Hasan No. 89, Batoh, Banda Aceh. This visit was welcomed by Acting. President Director of Bank Aceh Syariah, Fadhil Ilyas, along with the board of directors.

The visit was carried out in order to succeed the 2024 Business/Company Directory Updating activities in preparation for the 2026 Economic Census (SE2026). The business/enterprise directory data will be used as the SE2026 prelist and sampling frame for future business/enterprise-based surveys.

Ahmadriswan emphasized BPS' commitment in maintaining integrity as an institution that organizes basic statistics by maintaining the confidentiality of individual data. BPS Aceh always strives to build communication and trust from various businesses/companies in Aceh to provide data as it is.

Fadhil welcomed and committed to supporting BPS Aceh activities as a joint effort in improving the quality of statistical data in Aceh. Furthermore, Fadhil also conveyed the active contribution of Bank Aceh Syariah in efforts to alleviate poverty in Aceh through various programs. Among them are the distribution of financing to underprivileged women through the Mitra Dhuafa Cooperative (Komida) and the distribution of People's Business Credit (KUR) to MSME entrepreneurs.

BPS Aceh and Bank Aceh Syariah agree that literacy and understanding of statistical data need to be continuously built to bring the people of Aceh to be more prosperous. With good statistical literacy, statistical data is empowered to be part of the solution in making policies that have an impact on Aceh's prosperity and advanced Indonesia.
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