Wednesday mornings at BPS Aceh Province always start with the spirit of Fiery (Wednesday Morning Briefing). Berapi is a forum for sharing insights and expertise regarding work or professional and personal life.
At Berapi this time (18/9), Muntaha Mahfud, Branch Manager of Bank Syariah Indonesia (BSI) Ahmad Dahlan Banda Aceh Branch Office (KC), introduced "Blessing Financial Friends". This program offers a variety of financing products that support every phase of the career journey, from starting a career, reaching the pinnacle of success, to preparing for retirement in peace.
This inclusive and blessed financial solution from BSI is ready to help you manage your finances well and ensure financial stability from the start of your career to a comfortable retirement.
Apart from that, Muntaha also shared important tips on financial management starting from zakat and infaq, responsible installments, saving and investment, as well as meeting routine and lifestyle needs.
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BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Aceh (Statistics of Aceh Province)
Jl. Tgk. H. M. Daud Beureueh No. 50 Kuta Alam Banda Aceh