CVM Workshop: Collaboration for Rebasing GDP/GRDP - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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CVM Workshop: Collaboration for Rebasing GDP/GRDP

CVM Workshop: Collaboration for Rebasing GDP/GRDP

November 21, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday, November 21 2024, BPS Aceh Province successfully held a "Workshop on coordination and exploration of data provision for rebasing GDP/GRDP based on CVM (Chain Volume Measures) at the Ayani Hotel, Banda Aceh.

CVM is a new method for calculating economic volume that is more accurate and dynamic. By using base year prices that are updated annually, CVM replaces the conventional constant price method. The result? GDP/GRDP data that is more relevant to current conditions!

This workshop presented great speakers: Weri (Lecturer at the USK Faculty of Economics and Business), Hasrati (Junior Expert Planner at BAPPEDA Aceh), and Hendra Darmawan (Chair of the Aceh Province BPS Expenditure Balance Team)

This event was also attended by various SKPAs, related agencies, and the Regional Balance and Analysis Team from all district/city BPS in Aceh.

This collaboration is a strategic step to improve the quality of economic data in Aceh Province. With CVM, let's make development planning more targeted together!
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