Happy mother's day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Happy mother's day

Happy mother's day

December 22, 2024 | Other Activities

Today, December 22, 2024, is the commemoration of National Mother's Day. Mothers are the pillars of the nation. In the warmth of their love, they form a strong and empowered next generation. With the spirit of "Women Greet, Women Empowered Towards Golden Indonesia 2045", we celebrate the role of mothers as the first educators who bring about change.

Did you know?
In Aceh, as many as 71.91% of women aged 15–49 who gave birth in the last 2 years have given their babies a special first moment: first skin-to-skin contact on the mother's chest less than 1 hour after birth. This is an invaluable first step in building closeness, health, and the future of your little one.

Thank you to all the great mothers in Indonesia
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