Export Import December 2011, Transportation January 2012, and Tourism January 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

Export Import December 2011, Transportation January 2012, and Tourism January 2012

Export Import December 2011, Transportation January 2012, and Tourism January 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : March 1, 2012
File Size : 0.36 MB


Achievement of the total value of exports of the province of Aceh in 2011 increased by 9.15 percent against the previous year. This is partly caused by the increase in oil and gas commodity exports amounted to 5.40 percent. Meanwhile, the non-oil export commodity groups experienced a rapid increase, amounting to 209.72 percent. During 2011, exports of oil and gas has a high role to the total value of exports of the province of Aceh, with a contribution of 94.79 percent.
Unlike the export, import main structure of Aceh province is in the form of non-oil commodities. Non-oil commodity imports reached $ 62,729,213 in December 2011 and is the highest value of non-oil imports during the years 2011 and. During 2011 the value of non-oil imports increased significantly by 211.99 percent to 2010 to reach $ 112,345,625 with a contribution to the total imports reached 98.51 percent.
In January 2012 the number of passengers recorded at Sultan Iskandar Muda airport reached 56 544 people, or an increase of 2.60 percent compared to January 2011. The total cost for the month of January 2012 reached 462 flights.
Highest number of sea transport passengers in December 2011 there were at Ulee Lheue port, ie there were 33,380 passengers, decreased by 16.81 per cent to November 2011. During the year 2011 the number of passengers who came and left through the port reached 463 190 people.
During 2011, the largest stevedoring activities in the country are in port "Ulee Lhue, Malahayati, Lhoknga '' respectively reach 793 090 tonnes and 917 511 tonnes. While unloading activities abroad (import-export) Geukuh Krueng largest port respectively reached 138 990 tons and 2.5625 million tons
The number of foreign tourists (tourists) who visited Aceh Province in January 2012 as many as 1,035 people or decreased 40.31 percent compared to December 2011. However, the number of tourists in early 2012 increased 67.75 percent compared to January 2011. Tourists highest in January 2012 came from countries Malaysia was 616 people, or an increase of almost doubled (99.35 percent) of the month of January 2011.
Room Occupancy Rate (TPK) star in Aceh Province in January 2012 reached 42.22 percent or decreased by 3.06 point compared to December 2011, but increased 0.35 points to January 2011. While the ROR Other accommodation decreased both of the month of December 2011 and for January 2011 respectively decreased by 4.73 points and 2.83 points. So TPK Accommodation in January 2012 only amounted to 25.77 percent.
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