Consumer Tendency Index Third Quarter 2012 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Consumer Tendency Index Third Quarter 2012

Consumer Tendency Index Third Quarter 2012Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 5, 2012
File Size : 0.31 MB


Consumer perceptions of economic conditions in the third quarter of 2012 in the province of Aceh increased and more optimistic shown with ITK at 107.21.
The public perception of increased economic conditions in the third quarter of 2012 was primarily influenced by the level of household consumption increased (109.46). Increased household consumption has become one of the causes of inflation, as evidenced from the consumer perception about the relevance of inflation with rising consumption (107.20). A further factor is the increase in household income (106.30).
Perception estimate of the economic conditions of consumers in the province of Aceh in the fourth quarter of 2012 states that optimistic conditions (105.42). However, consumer confidence in the coming quarter relatively lower when compared to the third quarter of 2012 (111.20). Estimated economic condition of consumers in the fourth quarter of 2012 driven by estimates of household income continues to increase (106.73). However, estimates of household income in the fourth quarter of 2012 was lower than in the third quarter of 2012 (113.68). Therefore, it is addressed by households with the planned purchase of durable goods are still rising (102.95), but a little less than the third quarter of 2012 (106.53).
In a comparison between regions, consumer perception in Aceh province and most of the provinces in Sumatra in the third quarter of 2012 remained below the national average (111.12). ITK Aceh value in the third quarter of 2012 was the lowest rank in Sumatra. While ITK present value of the provinces of Bengkulu, West Sumatra and Riau occupy the top three as well as Sumatra is above the national ITK. Meanwhile, perceptions of economic conditions forecast in the fourth quarter of 2012 in seven provinces in Sumatra also remained below the estimated national economic conditions (109.28). ITK value estimate Aceh in the fourth quarter of 2012 was ranked last in Sumatra. Instead, Riau Province, Pacific Islands, and the Riau Islands is the highest in Sumatra as well above average ITK National estimates.
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