BPS Aceh Gives Testimonials for the 2023 Aceh DJKN Regional Office Annual Book - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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BPS Aceh Gives Testimonials for the 2023 Aceh DJKN Regional Office Annual Book

BPS Aceh Gives Testimonials for the 2023 Aceh DJKN Regional Office Annual Book

January 18, 2024 | Other Activities

January 18 2024, BPS Aceh welcomed the arrival of the Aceh General Directorate General of State Assets (DJKN) team to request the preparation of the 2023 Kanwil DJKN Aceh Office Annual Book. With the theme "For Aceh for Indonesia", testimonials and constructive appreciation from BPS Aceh will be an important part of the yearbook's content. 

DJKN Aceh has provided valuable support to BPS Aceh in terms of state asset management, as well as increasing the overall efficiency of state resource management. The hope is that the collaboration that has been established can continue to be improved for the progress and prosperity of Aceh for Advanced Indonesia.

As partners who have established close cooperation, BPS Aceh is ready to make a positive contribution and give sincere appreciation for the efforts made by Kanwil DJKN Aceh. The hope is that the collaboration that has been established can continue to be improved for the progress and prosperity of Aceh and Indonesia.

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