Collaboration of BPS Aceh and RRI - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Collaboration of BPS Aceh and RRI

Collaboration of BPS Aceh and RRI

July 31, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, July 31 2024, BPS Aceh received an audience from Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) Aceh in the Sharing Room on the 2nd Floor of BPS Aceh. Taufan Pamungkas Mahaendra Jaya and his team discussed cooperation regarding RRI's role as a trusted public broadcasting institution to collaborate with BPS to obtain accurate and up-to-date news.

The Head of BPS Aceh, Ahmadriswan Nasution, appreciated RRI Aceh's proactive steps in building cooperation and collaboration with BPS Aceh. Information dissemination can be established between BPS and RRI where RRI has a forum for disseminating news and BPS has data that can be presented in statistical news.

Ahmadriswan hopes that the form of collaboration with RRI will have a clear business process through multi-collaboration so that it is more efficient and RRI can produce products that will receive recognition from the public.
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