Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Fixes Figures 2011 and Figures Forecast I 2012) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Fixes Figures 2011 and Figures Forecast I 2012)

Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Fixes Figures 2011 and Figures Forecast I 2012)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : July 2, 2012
File Size : 0.25 MB


From the discussion of Figures Remain (ATAP) in 2011, it was determined that the entire rice harvested area amounted to 380 686 ha, with a total production of 1.77 million tonnes of paddy. When compared with production in 2010, an increase of 12.04 percent, where production in 2010 amounted to 1.58 million tonnes of paddy

From Fixed figures of 2011, the production of crops which have increased compared to production in 2010, is a green bean production increased by 29.45 percent, sweet potato production has increased 6.75 percent and maize production increased 1.06 percent. While peanuts commodities decreased by 12.64 percent, down 10.10 percent cassava and soybeans fell 6.26 percent.

Realization of rice harvested area in January-April 2012 increased by 6.01 percent compared to the same period in 2011. The increase in harvested area is not accompanied by the yield per hectare, where productivity fell by 0.54 percent. However, during January-April 2012 production increased by 5.43 percent from 943 435 tonnes of paddy increased to 994 653 tonnes of paddy.

The results of numerical computation first forecast in 2012 is expected to be achieved this year rice harvested area of ​​409.35 thousand hectares, which means there will be an increase of 7.53 percent compared to 2011. The increase in harvested area harvested area was followed by an increase in rice production. Where in 2012 is expected to be realized as much rice production 1.90 million tons, an increase of 7.16 percent compared to rice production in 2011.
For crops in the period from January to April 2012 shows less than good condition compared to the same period in 2011, except for the corn which has increased, both harvested area and production.
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