Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Figures Forecast II 2012) - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Figures Forecast II 2012)

Production of Paddy and Other Crops (Figures Forecast II 2012)Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : November 1, 2012
File Size : 0.26 MB


Up to Subrorund II (January-August) in 2012, has been realized rice harvested area of 287.3 thousand hectares, with an estimated total production of 1.34 million tonnes of paddy. Rice production in the period from January to August 2012, was increased by 7.65 percent compared to production in the same period in 2011.
From Figures Forecast II, in 2012 is expected to be realized rice harvested area of 388.22 thousand hectares, with an estimated production of 1.79 million tonnes of rice paddy, which means an increase of 1.15 percent compared to production in 2011
From Figures Forecast II, in 2012 is estimated harvested area maize and soybean respectively by 41.51 thousand hectares and 39.83 thousand hectares.
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