Baitul Mal Aceh Utilizes Statistical Activity Recommendation Service - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Province

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Baitul Mal Aceh Utilizes Statistical Activity Recommendation Service

Baitul Mal Aceh Utilizes Statistical Activity Recommendation Service

December 18, 2024 | Other Activities

Wednesday, December 18, 2024, BPS Aceh Province received a visit from Baitul Mal Aceh in the Consultation Room on the 1st Floor. This visit aims to obtain statistical activity recommendation services as an initial step in ensuring that planned statistical activities meet standards.

The BPS Aceh Province Sectoral Statistics Supervisory Team led by Wahyu Agung Sutikno received the visit and explained the general overview of the business process for organizing statistical activities. Baitul Mal Aceh is also encouraged to utilize the Romantik service (statistical activity recommendation) which can be accessed via

The Romantik service not only ensures that statistical activities to be held are according to needs, but also avoids duplication of activities by checking the availability of similar statistical activities. The process is quite simple, the organizing agency can fill out a form according to the type of statistical activity to be held, be it a survey or a compilation of administrative products (kompromin). If the activity is deemed feasible, BPS Aceh Province will issue a recommendation letter.

In addition, each statistics organizing agency is expected to report metadata on activities, indicators, and variables through Indah Hub ( so that the statistical activity data and information produced can be utilized appropriately by users.
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